April 23, 2018

6:30 P.M.


  1. 6:30 Call to Order PUBLIC MEETING
  3. Minutes:  March 26, 2018 (distributed via email)

 CASE 17-17: Granite Street Properties, LLC Map 108 Lot 102. 1520 First NH Turnpike.

  • Applicant proposes to construct a roadway which will impact 5,420 square feet of slopes between 20-25% and is requesting a special exception as specified in the zoning ordinance Article VI Section E (2.)
  • Applicant is proposing to construct a roadway which will impact 6,065 square feet of wetlands and is requesting a special exception as specified in the zoning ordinance Article VI Section A (4).

(Requested continuance to the May 14 meeting)


CASE 18-01: Sotirios Exarchos, 281 First NH Turnpike, Map 231 Lot 83. Applicant proposes to construct an 18 X 9-foot addition to an existing apartment and requests the following:

  • A variance to IV.A.(2) Table IV-2 for Residential Density that does not meet the zoning ordinance, lot has one acre, where six acres are required (2 acres per unit).
  • A variance to IV.A. (2) Table IV-1 for length of road frontage that does not meet the zoning ordinance, lot has 115 feet, where 300 feet is required.
  • A variance to IV.B (4) (b) required setback is 50 feet from the property line, the proposed addition is 45 feet from the property line.

 CASE 18-3: Ronald Lohse and Anne Richard, 156 Harmony Road, Map 123/10. Applicant seeks to develop a lot for residence that does not meet the zoning ordinance for lot size of 2 acres and requests the following:


  • Special exception to VII C to allow a residence on 1.7 acres, when 2 acres is required.





The agenda to include any other business that may properly come before the board at this time.